Is it possible to improve the accuracy of EuroSCORE?

Field Value
Model ID09-025-01
Model NameModified EuroSCORE
Pubmed ID19523840
First AuthorNissinen
JournalEuropean Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery
TitleIs it possible to improve the accuracy of EuroSCORE?
Primary Index ConditionCardiac Surgery
Secondary Index ConditionN/A
Model Sample Size3613
Cohort Sample Size3613
Number of Events90
Follow-Up DurationShort (<3 months)
Calibration Reported1
CovariatesAge <60 years; Age 60-69 years; Age 70-79 years; Age >=80 years; Female; Pulmonary disease; Extracardiac arteriopathy; Neurological dysfunction; Redo surgery; Critical preoperative status; Left ventricular ejection fraction >50%; Left ventricular ejection fraction 30-50%; Left ventricular ejection fraction <30%; Surgery of the thoracic aorta; Ventricular septal defect secondary to myocardial infarction; Chronic kidney disease classification: classes 1-2; Chronic kidney disease classification: class 3; Chronic kidney disease classification: classes 4-5; Number of procedures: 1; Number of procedures: 2; Number of procedures: 3; Constant
Mesh TermsTo be updated
Number of Validations0

External Validations